Astrotricha longifolia
Long-leaf star-hair
Family: Araliaceae
The Astrotricha family of shrubs is named for its thick covering of star-hairs (Greek astron=star, trichos=hair). Astrotricha longifolia is uncommon in the Sydney region overall, growing only north of the harbour, in sheltered woodland on sandstone.
It is a slender erect shrub about 1-2m tall. The stems, leaf stalks and the undersurface of the leaves have a felty feel.
Longifolia is Latin for long-leaved. The long, narrow, flat leaves of Astrotricha longifolia, 7-12cm, help distinguish this from other species. They are dull green above and downy white underneath.
The tiny flowers are white, the flower stalks growing on the ends of the main stems.
Astrotricha longifolia flowers from October to December.