Gliophorus graminicolor at Ferndale Park
Hygrocybe griseoramosa, an endangered species
Hygrocybe reesiae, a vulnerable species
One of a few new species found at Ferndale Park by one of our Friends members. Possibly to be placed in the Humidicutis genus.
Hygrocybe lanecovensis. An endangered species.
Gliophorus chromolimoneus at Ferndale Park
Waxcap (Hygrocybe aurantipes), threatened species (vulnerable).
Hygrocybe astatogala at Ferndale Park
Ruby Bonnet (Mycena viscidocruenta) at Ferndale Park
Green Clubs (Microglossom viride) at Ferndale Park
Fairy Clubs (Clavaria corallinorosacea)
Purple Coral fungus (Clavaria zollingeri) at Ferndale Park
This species is often seen after rain. Anemone stinkhorn. Aseroe rubra
This species can grow to over a metre across. This one photographed is 45 cm wide. Phlebopus marginatus
Myrtle Rust in the Lane Cove valley. (Austropuccinia psidii) on a Rhodamnia rubescens
Entoloma species
Emperor Cortinar (Cortinarius archeri)
Boletellus deceptivus
Stinkhorn (Phallus rubicundus)
Stinkhorn (Mutinus boninensis)
Trogia species
Bracket Fungus (Ganoderma resinaceum)
Ghost Fungus, glows in the dark. (Omphalotus nidiformis)
Earth star (Geastrum triplex)

Fungi in Lane Cove NP
What’s fruiting in Lane Cove National Park? The Lane Cove valley is a national hotspot for fungi. Many species appear after rain in autumn and winter, particularly the waxcaps.