Join or renew your Friends of Lane Cove National Park membership
Want to help the park, but aren’t able volunteer in bushcare sites?
Please consider joining the Friends of LCNP.
A year's membership with the Friends costs only
$15 single, $25 family incl. GST.
Subscriptions are renewed on 1st July each year.
The Friends of LCNP is the organisation who represent the interests of the park and the volunteers. For instance we apply for grants from governments of all levels and look for donations from commercial organisations. All funds received goes direct to funding ongoing bush regeneration projects and National Tree Day planting, and for the printing of leaflets and brochures and so on.
Friends’ has raised nearly two million dollars over the last twenty five years to support regeneration projects in the park. At the same time, the volunteers have contributed more than five million dollars worth of labour.
As a volunteer you will also;
have a chance to meet others with an interest in the bush, native plants and natural history
receive a bi-annual newsletter which includes information on Friends' and volunteers' activities, what's happening around the Park, and botanical information
best of all, be involved in volunteer work in the beautiful bushland environment of the Park
Annual Subscription payment
The preferred method of payment is by direct deposit to our bank account.
Westpac BSB 032-086 Account number 115824.
Please use this form to email details of payment, single/family/donation after making your deposit and please remember to identify your deposit so we know who it is from.
if you experience any problems please let us know on