
Leionema (formerly Phebalium) dentatum

Family: Rutaceae Leionema

Leionema (formerly Phebalium) dentatum is a tall erect shrub 2 - 3m, found in sheltered sandstone gullies. It is uncommon in the Sydney region, but can be seen in a small patch around from the Visitor Centre on the northern side of the road.

The leaves are slender and thin, 6-8cm, the teeth (dentatum = toothed), not always present, but if they are, small and hidden by the recurved margins. The leaves do not have the thin scurfy scales which distinguish most of the other Phebalium, but the young stems have minute hairs.

The flowers are yellow or white with pale yellow anthers, in clusters in the leaf axils, often in dense masses at the ends of branches.

Leionema (formerly Phebalium) dentatum flowers in Spring.