Invertebrates in Lane Cove National Park
Invertebrates, (animals without a backbone), make up by far the largest, but least understood group of animals, on earth.
It is thought that there may be as many as 300,000 different species in Australia, but only around 100,000 have been named by science. Insects are one group of invertebrates, but there are many other groups including, shellfish, crustaceans, spiders, bees, beetles, millipedes, slugs, worms, star fish and octopuses. They are everywhere, but often hidden.
In recent years there has been lots of speculation, and some studies, that have indicated that insects, in particular, appear to be in a dangerous decline. As with most species that are in decline it is almost certainly mainly caused by habitat destruction, but it is hard to be sure of rates of decline without more research.
We hope to build this gallery, with the help of members of Friends, so that some of our local species can become a little better known.
Blue Banded Bee (Amegilla cingulata)
Green Grocer cicada (Cyclochila australasiae)
Golden Orb Weaver (Trichonephila plumipes)
Eastern Banded Huntsman (Holconia insignis)
Grannys Cloak Moth (Speiredonia spectans)
Blue Triange Butterfly (Graphium sarpedon)
Fiddler beetle (Eupoecila australasiae)
Bird dropping spider (Arkys curtulus)
False scorpion, (genus Oratemnus, family Atemnidae). This harmless creature was found in a letter box, hiding between the letters.
Botany Bay Cockroach (Polyzosteria limbata), 8 cm long
leech, not sure of the scientific name. Not a charismatic species, not much to say about it. Best to avoid the bites, which are usually harmless.
Native Cockroach, probably Balta spuria
Native Cockroach, probably Panesthia australis
ground spider. Not a funnelweb, the world expert says this is possibly Chenistonia ceruleomontana or a new species
ground spider, probably in the Stanwellia genus. But the Australian Museum and the world expert don't agree.
Semi slug, found in our area in Chatswood West near Blue Gum creek. (Helicarion mastersi)
Native Snail, (Vitellidelos dulcis)
Iridescent Semi Slug (Ubiquitarion iridis). Found in the rainforest at Browns Field.
Blue Planarian and meal. A flatworm (not a leech). Caenoplana coerulea
Another flatworm, Caenoplana bicolor
Red Triangle Slug (Triboniophorus graeffei). A popular and charismatic slug (if a slug can be charismatic). Eats algae on rocks and plants.
Mantid (Spaminta minjerribae)
If you would like to help us build this gallery please submit photos of wildlife that you have seen in the park to.