Alphabetical listing of plants shown in these galleries by botanical name.
Note, due to DNA research some botanical names will change, please confirm current name in Plantnet.
A | B | C | D | E | G | H | I | K | L | M | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | X | Z
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Acacia decurrens - Sydney Green Wattle, Book-kerriking
Acacia echinula - Hooked Wattle
Acacia floribunda - White Sallow Wattle, Marrai-uo
Acacia linifolia - Flax-leafed wattle
Acacia longifolia var. longifolia - Sydney Golden Wattle
Acacia myrtifolia - Myrtle Wattle
Acacia oxycedrus - Spike wattle
Acacia parramattensis - Parramatta Green Wattle
Acacia suaveolens - Sweet-scented wattle
Acacia terminalis ssp. angustifolia - Sunshine wattle
Acacia ulicifolia - Prickly Moses
Actinotus helianthi - Flannel flower
Actinotus minor - Lesser Flannel Flower
Allocasuarina distyla - A She-oak
Angophora costata - Smooth-barked Apple, Sydney Red Gum, Kajimbourra
Angophora hispida - Dwarf Apple
Astroloma humifusum - Cranberry Heath
Astrotricha longifolia - Long-leaf star-hair
Austromyrtus tenuifolia - Narrow-leaf Myrtle
Baeckea imbricata
Baeckea linifolia - Swamp Baeckea
Banksia ericifolia - Heath Banksia
Banksia integrifolia - Coast Banksia
Banksia marginata - Silver Banksia
Banksia oblongifolia - (previously B. aspenifolia)
Banksia serrata - Old Man Banksia, Wattung-urree
Banksia spinulosa - Hairpin Banksia
Bauera rubioides - River Rose
Billardiera scandens - Apple Berry, Dumplings
Blandfordia nobilis - Christmas Bells
Boronia ledifolia - Sydney Boronia
Bossiaea heterophylla - Variable Bossiaea
Bossiaea obcordata - Spiny Bossiaea
Bossiaea scolopendria - Broom Bossiaea
Burchardia umbellata - Milkmaids
Bursaria spinosa - Blackthorn, Kurwan
Caladenia - Lady Fingers
Caleana major - Large (Flying) Duck Orchid
Callicoma serratifolia - Black Wattle
Callistemon citrinus - Crimson Bottlebrush
Calochilus gracillimus - Late Bearded Orchid
Calochilus robertsonii - Purple Beard Orchid
Calytrix tetragona - Fringe Myrtle
Caustis pentandra - a sedge
Ceratopetalum apetalum - Coachwood
Ceratopetalum gummiferum - NSW Christmas bush
Clematis aristata - Traveller's Joy, Wedding Veil, Old Man's Beard
Comesperma ericinum - Pink Matchheads, Heath Milkwort
Comesperma volubile - Love Creeper
Commelina cyanea - Creeping Christian, Scurvy Weed
Conospermum longifolium - Smoke Bush
Correa reflexa
Corymbia gummifera - Red Bloodwood, Mannen
Cryptostylis erecta - Hooded orchid, Bonnet orchid
Cryptostylis subulata - Large tongue orchid, Cow orchid
Dampiera purpurea - Purple Dampiera
Dampiera stricta - Blue Dampiera
Darwinia biflora
Darwinia fascicularis
Dianella caerulea - Blue Flax Lily
Dillwynia floribunda var. floribunda
Dillwynia retorta ssp.A - Heathy Parrot Pea
Dipodium roseum - Rosy Hyacinth Orchid
Dipodium variegatum - Hyacinth Orchid
Diuris maculata - Spotted Doubletails, Leopard Orchid NEW
Dodonaea triquetra - Common Hop Bush
Dracophyllum secundum
Drosera binata - Forked Sundew
Elaeocarpus reticulatus - Blueberry Ash
Epacris longiflora - Native Fuchsia
Epacris microphylla - Coral Heath
Epacris pulchella - NSW Coral Heath
Epacris purpurascens var. purpurascens
Eriochilus autumnalis - Parson's Bands
Eucalyptus haemastoma - Scribbly Gum
Euromyrtus ramosissima - Rosy Heath-Myrtle
Geranium homeanum - Northern Cranesbill
Glossodia major - Wax Lip Orchid
Glycine clandestina - Twining Glycine, Love Creeper
Gompholobium latifolium - Golden Glory Pea, Broad Leaf Wedge Pea
Goodenia bellidifolia - Daisy-leaved Goodenia
Goodenia heterophylla - Variable-leaved Goodenia NEW
Grevillea buxifolia - Grey spider flower
Grevillea linearifolia - White spider flower
Grevillea sericea ssp. sericea - Silky or pink spider flower
Grevillea speciosa - Red Spider Flower
Hakea gibbosa
Hakea sericea - Bushy Needlebush
Hakea teretifolia - Dagger hakea
Hardenbergia violacea - Happy wanderer, False sarsaparilla
Helichrysum elatum - White Paper Daisy, Tall Everlasting
Hemigenia purpurea - Narrow-leaved Hemigenia
Hibbertia dentata - Toothed guinea flower
Hibbertia linearis - Showy Guinea Flower
Hibbertia scandens - Golden guinea flower
Hovea species
Hybanthus monopetalus - Lady's Slipper
Hypoxis hygrometrica - Golden Star
Isopogon anethifolius - Narrow-leafed Drumsticks
Kennedia rubicunda - Dusky Coral Pea
Kunzea ambigua - Tick bush
Kunzea capitata - Pink Kunzea
Lambertia formosa - Honey flower, Mountain devil
Lasiopetalum ferrugineum - Rusty-petals, Rusty Velvet-bush
Leionema (formerly Phebalium) dentatum
Leptospermum squarrosum - Peach-flowered Tea tree
Leptospermum trinervium - Paperbark tea-tree
Leucopogon amplexicaulis
Leucopogon ericoides - Bearded Heath
Leucopogon juniperinus - Prickly Beard-heath
Leucopogon lanceolatus - Lance Beard-heath
Leucopogon microphyllus - Small-leafed White Beard
Leucopogon setiger - Bearded Heath
Lobelia gracilis - Trailing Lobelia
Lobelia purpurescens - White Root
Logania albiflora
Lomandra longifolia - Spiny-headed Mat-rush
Lomandra obliqua - Fish Bones, Twisted Mat-rush
Lomatia myricoides - River or Long-leafed Lomatia
Lomatia silaifolia - Wild Parsley, Crinkle Bush
Melaleuca hypericifolia
Micrantheum ericoides
Mitrasacme polymorpha - Mitre Weed
Olax stricta
Olearia microphylla - Bridal Daisy Bush
Ozothamnus diosmifolius - Everlasting, Paper Daisy
Pandorea pandorana - Wonga Wonga vine
Patersonia glabrata - Native Iris, Leafy Purple Flag
Patersonia sericea - Native Iris, Silky Purple Flag
Persicaria lapathifolium - Pale Knotweed
Persoonia lanceolata - Lance-leaf Geebung
Persoonia levis - Broad-leaf Geebung
Persoonia linearis - Narrow-leaf Geebung
Persoonia pinifolia - Pine-leaf Geebung
Phebalium dentatum (now known as Leionema dentatum)
Philotheca salsolifolia
Phyllota phylicoides - Common Phyllota
Pimelea linifolia ssp. linifolia - Rice flower
Pittosporum undulatum - Sweet pittosporum
Platylobium formosum ssp. formosum - Handsome Flat Pea
Platysace lanceolata - Native parsnip
Platysace linearifolia - Narrow-leaf Platysace, Carrot Tops
Pratia (or Lobelia) purpurascens - White Root
Pseuderanthemum variabile - Pastel Flower
Pterostylis acuminata - Sharp Greenhood
Pterostylis nutans - Nodding Greenhood
Pultenaea daphnoides - Large-leaf Pea Bush
Pultenaea ferruginea - Large Bronze Bush Pea
Pultenaea flexilis - Graceful Bush Pea
Pultenaea stipularis - Fine-leaf Bush Pea
Ricinocarpos pinifolius - Wedding Bush
Scaevola ramosissima - Snake Flower, Fan Flower
Solanum aviculare - Kangaroo apple
Stylidium productum and Stylidium graminifolium - Trigger plant
Styphelia longifolia - Five-corners, Long-leaf Styphelia
Styphelia triflora - Pink Five-corners
Styphelia tubiflora - Red five-corners
Telopea speciosissima - Waratah
Thelymitra ixioides - Spotted Sun Orchid
Themeda australis - Kangaroo Grass
Thysanotus tuberosus - Common Fringe Lily
Tricoryne simplex - Yellow Rush Lily
Tristania neriifolia - Water Gum
Tristaniopsis laurina - Water Gum
Viola hederacea - Native Bluebell, Ivy-leaved Bluebell
Wahlenbergia - Native Bluebells
Woollsia pungens - Snow wreath
Xanthorrhoea arborea - Broad-leafed Grass tree
Xanthosia pilosa
Zieria smithii - Sandfly Zieria - Common Fringe LilyLobelia purpurescens - Wax Lip Orchid